
irc art archive // 51kades

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  • THE MIGHTY KADE ORACLE PREDICTS: other than             
  • a daft little get paid little               \           
  •                                                     / \ 
  •                                                   ______
  •                                                     KA  
  •                                                     DE  
  •                                 PLAIN KADE
  • THE MIGHTY KADE ORACLE PREDICTS: get clean                                 
  • alghazi for 30 yawms seems like these yawms \                              
  •                                                                        / \ 
  •                                                                      ______
  •                                                         KA                 
  •                                                      DE                    
  •                                 WAVY KADE
  • THE MIGHTY KADE ORACLE PREDICTS: i could use                   
  • better language here wrong tree there        \                 
  •                                                           _    
  •                                                           _    
  •                                                      DK   _/   
  •                                                      EA      
  •                                                           _\   
  •                                                           _    
  •                                 SIDEWAYS KADE
  • THE MIGHTY KADE ORACLE PREDICTS:                               
  • intelligible put a pile on the table \                         
  •                                                 / \            
  •                                                ______          
  •                                                      KA        
  •                                                       DE       
  •                                 ANGLE KADE
  • THE MIGHTY KADE ORACLE PREDICTS: multiplayer                      
  • when you intensify your prayer               \                    
  •                                                           //  \\  
  •                                                           //  \\  
  •                                                       ____________
  •                                                       ____________
  •                                                           KKAA    
  •                                                           KKAA    
  •                                                           DDEE    
  •                                                           DDEE    
  •                                 BIG KADE
  •              THE MIGHTY KADE ORACLE PREDICTS: they xant  
  •           /  even blood clot do as little as that remmebr
  •              that                                        
  •      DE                                                  
  •      KA                                                  
  •    ~~~~~~                                                
  •      \ /                                                 
  •                                 UPSIDE DOWN KADE
  • THE MIGHTY KADE ORACLE PREDICTS: lord jamar               
  • says when he first heard young m.a he thought \           
  • she was a man like badmen                                 
  •                                                       \ / 
  •                                                     ______
  •                                                       KA  
  •                                                       DE  
  •                                 EVIL KADE
  • THE MIGHTY KADE ORACLE PREDICTS: no that's a             
  • bad ting good morning                        \           
  •                                                      / \ 
  •                                                    ______
  •                                                      KA  
  •                                                      DE  
  •                                                      KA  
  •                                                    ~~~~~~
  •                                                      \ / 
  •                                 DUAL KADE
  •            /                                    
  •      \ /                                        
  •    ______                                       
  •      KA                                         
  •      DE                                         
  •                                 CROSS KADE
  • THE MIGHTY KADE ORACLE PREDICTS: how i didnt              
  • hadnt                                        \            
  •                                                     _____ 
  •                                                      كA   
  •                                                      دE   
  •                                 NIQAAB KADE
  •                  THE MIGHTY KADE ORACLE PREDICTS: about what 
  •               /  to watch you're not buying into the hype are
  •                  you ayo billy730 you a fuckin' bitch        
  •            !                                                 
  •    ______                                                  
  •                                 IDEA KADE
  •                  THE MIGHTY KADE ORACLE PREDICTS: did you
  •    |  |  |    /  chainsaw i ony saw                      
  •    |  |  |                                               
  •  ==o==o==o==                                             
  •    |  |  |                                               
  •  ==o==o/=\==                                             
  •    | ______                                              
  •  ==o==o==o==                                             
  •    |  |  |                                               
  •  ==o==o==o==                                             
  •    |  |  |                                               
  •  ==o==o==o==                                             
  •       |  |                                               
  •  ==  =  = ==                                             
  •    |  |  |                                               
  •    |  |  |                                               
  •                                 GAOL KADE
  • THE MIGHTY KADE ORACLE PREDICTS: baby goats               
  • what the vampire crysel really eats         \             
  •                                                  C H E F  
  •                                                  _|_|_|_  
  •                                                  _______  
  •                                                     / \   
  •                                                   ______  
  •                                                     KA    
  •                                                     DE    
  •                                 CHEF KADE
  • THE MIGHTY KADE ORACLE PREDICTS: according              
  • to that repotrt according to that repotrt  \           
  •                                                    / \  
  •                                                  ______ 
  •                                                     ▎   
  •                                                     ▎   
  •                                 NURSE KADE
  •                            THE MIGHTY KADE ORACLE PREDICTS: when
  •                         /  poeople they had people              
  •         / \                                                     
  •        ______                                                   
  •              KA                                                 
  •               DE                                                
  •                                 COLOUR KADE
  • THE MIGHTY KADE ORACLE PREDICTS: in fact on                                  
  • my street has a sweet                       \                                
  •                                                     / \  / \                 
  •                                                   ____________   
  •                                                   ~~~~~~~~~~~~   
  •                                                     \ /  \ /                 
  •                                 QUAD KADE
  • THE MIGHTY KADE ORACLE PREDICTS: gimbo_d:                          
  • frot-prime is a faggot bourgeois kike it's \       KA              
  • what i think dying is like                                        
  •                                                   ____       ▞
  •                                                    ▄▄▄           ▚▞
  •                                                        ▀▀  ▀▀  ▀▀▀ 
  •                                                    ▀▀     __     ▞
  •                                                             ▞
  •                                                    ^ ^            
  •                                                           XBOX   ▗▗
  •                                 REARRANGED KADE
  •                                       THE MIGHTY KADE ORACLE PREDICTS: just
  •                                    /  prevent me bnecase                   
  •            \ /                                                             
  •          ______                                                            
  •                                _                                           
  •           KADE                /                                            
  •          COYOTE                                                            
  •  __ROYAL ARMY OF CANADA       \_                                           
  •  |oooooooooooooooooooo|                                                    
  •  |oooooooooooooooooooo|                                                    
  •                                 MELON KADE
  •              THE MIGHTY KADE ORACLE PREDICTS: theres some
  •           /  message in the language                   
  •      / \                                                 
  •    ______                                                
  •      KA                                                  
  •      DE                                                  
  •                                 BLIND KADE
  • THE MIGHTY KADE ORACLE PREDICTS: wasnthere             
  • jusonyottaseconinortheasterborneo  \           
  • borneo'borobuduborobudur'borodin                   
  • borodin'borboru'boscbos wasnthere          \ / 
  • jusonyottaseconinortheasterborneo        ______
  • borneo'borobuduborobudur'borodin                   
  • borodin'borboru'boscbos                          
  •                                                      KA  
  •                                                      DE  
  •                                 BLIND ANGRY KADE
  •                   THE MIGHTY KADE ORACLE PREDICTS: during the
  •                /  around the                                 
  •      \ /                                                     
  •    ______                                                    
  •              ▶                                               
  •                                 KRAKEN KADE
  • THE MIGHTY KADE ORACLE PREDICTS: buabgibi                                                       
  • bbl superbibibi                           \                                                     
  •                                                                       \ /                       
  •                                                                     ______                      
  •                                                           C     L     O     U     D             
  •                                                              K                 E                
  •                                                                    A     D                      
  •                                 CLOUD KADE
  • THE MIGHTY KADE ORACLE PREDICTS: zsa zsa:               
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ayd3glcxxuu \           
  • duradzl:                                                
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ayd3glcxxuu        / \  
  •                                                   _ _ __
  •                                                     KA  
  •                                                     DE  
  •                                 ANXIOUS KADE
  •                     THE MIGHTY KADE ORACLE PREDICTS:           
  •                  /  smmmmmmmh  nmn-                            
  •                     /mmmmmmmmmmmmmmd`:+  nmm:       `dmmmmmn   
  •      \ /            mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmo yes he's a dummo     
  •    __ _ _                                                      
  •             ▕                                                  
  •             ▕                                                  
  •      KA     ▕                                                  
  •      DE   >====>                                               
  •             ▕                                                  
  •             ▕                                                  
  •             ▕                                                  
  •                                 ARCHER KADE
  •                       THE MIGHTY KADE ORACLE PREDICTS: kurds are   
  •           \        /  persians/ mp3;                               
  •           /           https://www.reddit.com/r/musicbattlestations/
  •      \ /  \                                                        
  •    __ _ _ /                                                        
  •           \                                                        
  •           /                                                        
  •           \                                                        
  •      KA  -o-                                                       
  •      DE   |                                                        
  •           |                                                        
  •                                 LIGHTSABER KADE
  • THE MIGHTY KADE ORACLE PREDICTS: what if          _           
  • your bot knows and ya allah (swt) knows  \       |_|          
  •                                                 /\ /\         
  •                                                \ \_/          
  •                                               =__ _ _         
  •                                              FUC              
  •                                             CRIPS             
  •                                              MOB C            
  •                                               =  KA           
  •                                                  DE           
  •                                                   Y          
  •                                 CRIP KADE
  • THE MIGHTY KADE ORACLE PREDICTS: now idk                   
  • what to watch tcl ud -result 3 basic bitch \               
  •                                                    / \     
  •                                                  __ _ _    
  •                                                    KA      
  •                                                    DE      
  •                                                    __      
  •                                                  ______    
  •                                                 ________ ▗▗
  •                                                ▀▀  ▀▀  ▀▀▀ 
  •                                 TURTLE KADE
  •                        THE MIGHTY KADE ORACLE PREDICTS: but both  
  •                     /  short as well as long works i'm for a world
  •                        free of turks                              
  •              / \                                                 
  •             ______                                                
  •                ▘                                                 
  •                                 DOG KADE
  • THE MIGHTY KADE ORACLE PREDICTS: write that                        
  • can i quote that                            \                      
  •                                                   ____  ____       
  •                                                 ____           \ / 
  •                                                              ______
  •                                                ▀▀▀▀▀▀ SUPER        
  •                                                ▄▄▄▄▄▄ KADE         
  •                                                  ____              
  •                                                    ____  ____      
  •                                 SUPER KADE
  • THE MIGHTY KADE ORACLE PREDICTS: feطsau wa                        
  • blo geile sau                              \                      
  •                                                  ______           
  •                                                          SATIRE   
  •                                                         ▏         
  •                                                    KA   ▏         
  •                                                    DE             
  •                                 SATIRE KADE
  •                                           THE MIGHTY KADE ORACLE PREDICTS: and its                
  •                                        /  just giving me random                                   
  •                                           https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/taiping_heavenly_kingdom
  •                                  \ /                                                              
  •                                ______                                                             
  •                                 _____                                                             
  • ░▒▓           K  A  D  E                                                                          
  •                             .BAS                                                                  
  •                                 KADE.BAS
  •                                    THE MIGHTY KADE ORACLE PREDICTS: typical
  •                                 /  insurance disclaimer spring & summer    
  •     \  /  / HEY YOU!!!!!!!!!!                                              
  •    _ ____/  YES YOU ASSHOLE!!                                              
  •             IM TIRED OF THIS                                               
  •              SHIT! LEAVE ME                                                
  •               ALONE OR ILL                                                 
  •      KA     CLAW YOUR FUCKING                                              
  •      DE      EYES OUT!!!!!!!                                               
  •                                 SERIOUSLY PISSED OFF KADE
  •        ____                     THE MIGHTY KADE ORACLE PREDICTS: which i
  •                 __     __  ö /  found mp3; the pound                    
  •                           0                                             
  • ____       KA            O                                              
  •              DE         o                                               
  •                  ______·                                                
  •   __         FI        ___                                              
  •            SH                                                           
  •     ____          ___                                                   
  •   ____              ____                                                
  •                  ____                                                   
  •                                 FISH KADE
  •                       THE MIGHTY KADE ORACLE PREDICTS: knot-prime:
  •                    /  ne tes3mp tes3mp                            
  •      \ /                                                          
  •    ______                                                         
  •     ____                                                          
  •      LA                                                           
  •      DE   ▇▇▇▇▇▇                                                  
  •           . .   ▛                                                
  •            . . ▛                                                 
  •            . .                                                    
  •             . .                                                   
  •               ▛                                                  
  •                                 LEAN KADE
  •                         THE MIGHTY KADE ORACLE PREDICTS: its
  •                      /  implicitly the game consistently    
  •      \ /                                                    
  •    ______                                                  
  •            TIMEOUT                                         
  •            ▏                                                
  •      KA    ▏                                                
  •      DE    ▏                                                
  •                                 TIMEOUT KADE
  •                                           THE MIGHTY KADE ORACLE PREDICTS: by jews to
  •                                        /  be the anti-christ error: xan't delete     
  • %.          /\       /\                   drawbox: command doesn't exist             
  • `%%.             """            \                                                    
  •  `%%            o _ O        ______                                                  
  •  //       ;    (__Y_)                                                                
  • ((       /      `\_/                                                                 
  •  \\    .' a                                                                          
  •   \\  /  r                     KA                                                    
  •    \\/  a \    | |             DE                                                    
  •     \  b   )___| |              ?                                                    
  •    (_____/__)))))))                                                                  
  •                                 ARAB + KADE
  • THE MIGHTY KADE ORACLE PREDICTS: thursady a                                          
  • lady                                        \                                        
  •                                                %.          /\       /\   BURP        
  •                                                `%%.             """     /            
  •                                                 `%%            ^ _ ^   /             
  •                                                 //       ;    (__Y_)                 
  •                                                ((       /      `\_/                  
  •                                                 \\    .' a                   / \     
  •                                                  \\  /  r                    x x     
  •                                                   \\/  a \    | |                    
  •                                                    \  b   )___| |                    
  •                                                   (_____/__)))))))                   
  •                                 ARAB + DEAD KADE
  •                                          THE MIGHTY KADE ORACLE PREDICTS: disturbing
  •                                       /  level shit im on some powder a nigga shit  
  •                                ______                                               
  •             TRI C ER A                                                              
  •              KA   DE                                                                
  •                                 TRICERAKADE
  • THE MIGHTY KADE ORACLE PREDICTS: was a                           
  • retard i just found this in my yard    \                         
  •                                                / \       \ /     
  •                                              ______     _ _ __   
  •                                                          ANTI    
  •                                                KA         KA     
  •                                                DE         DE     
  •                                 KADE + ANTIKADE
  •                              THE MIGHTY KADE ORACLE PREDICTS: it's crazu
  •            /\/ \/\        /  dazu                                       
  •      \ /     \ /                                                        
  •     _____                                                               
  •      KK                                                                 
  •      KA                                                                 
  •      DE                                                                 
  •                                 KKKADE
  • THE MIGHTY KADE ORACLE PREDICTS: except lil                    
  • wayne i had a strange dream about being in  \                  
  • newcastle upon tyne                                            
  •                                                        \ /     
  •                                                      ______    
  •                                                      _____     
  •                                                      _____     
  •                                                        KA      
  •                                                        DE      
  •                                                            ▶  
  •                                 MONSTER KADE
  • innocent how radically different     \           
  •                                              KA  
  •                                              DE  
  •                                              / \ 
  •                                             ____ 
  •                                 MESCALINE KADE
  • THE MIGHTY KADE ORACLE PREDICTS: and 1 yield                         
  • 1                                            \                       
  •                                                      ^ ^            
  •                                                      KA              
  •                                                      ▄▄▄           ▚▞
  •                                                     ____       ▞
  •                                                      ▀▀     __     ▞
  •                                                               ▞
  •                                                             XBOX   ▗▗
  •                                                          ▀▀  ▀▀  ▀▀▀ 
  •                                 HAPPY KADE
  • THE MIGHTY KADE ORACLE PREDICTS:                                
  • [imgay!slptootmp3bbl] no slp history for      \                 
  • pynchon the feroffléet} {breaking newds:                        
  • 0-yawm pic it should be sleeping but i miss            \ /       
  • the old jews who made this bredda called phil       ______      
  • sayyid it was in conflict situations, infps         ______      
  • place liطle did i know what it was me fave                      
  • childhood memories the earth and planets left                   
  • a continuous mission to find the bad pic                      
  •                                                       KA        
  •                                                       DE        
  •                                 EGYPTIAN KADE
  • THE MIGHTY KADE ORACLE PREDICTS: lorf yeah                                   
  • rofflé eah                                 \                        ▓▓▓       
  •                                                                    ▓▓▓▓▓      
  •                                                       \           / \        
  •                                                     _____        ______      
  •                                                                 ▓▓▓           
  •                                                                ▓▓▓▓▓          
  •                                                                 ▓▓▓ NA        
  •                                                       KA           DI        
  •                                                       DE             A        
  •                                 KADE + NADIA
  •                    THE MIGHTY KADE ORACLE PREDICTS: cuررently
  •                 /  jerking off to nadias pics or uk politics 
  •          ______                                              
  •       SOME                                                   
  •     ASSEMBLY                                                 
  •     REQUIRED                                                 
  •                                 UNASSEMBLED KADE
  •                                       THE MIGHTY KADE ORACLE PREDICTS:            
  •                                    /  [imgay!html_title] © haaretz daily newspaper
  •                                       ltd address:      y-tech solutions ltd    
  •            \ /                                                                    
  •          ______                                                                   
  •                                _                                                  
  •           KADE                /                                                   
  •          COYOTE                                                                   
  •  __ROYAL ARMY OF CANADA       \_                                                  
  •  |oooooooooooooooooooo|                                                           
  •  |oooooooooooooooooooo|                                                           
  •                                 KADE TANK
  •                                      THE MIGHTY KADE ORACLE PREDICTS: puui        
  •                                   /  aufappiuapiufaa am muapmfiapamf uuimuf i     
  •                                      aupiimmp uuppafumumuafaiupaaium a goes from a
  •        \ /             ▓                                                          
  •      ______ GRRR      ▓▓▓                                                         
  •      ______/         ▓▓▓▓▓                                                        
  •                        / \  HELP                                                 
  •                      ______/                                                     
  •                           ▓▓▓                                                     
  •        KA               ▓▓▓▓▓                                                    
  •        DE              NA ▓▓▓                                                     
  •  ___            ___   DI  ▓                                                      
  • ___               ___  A                                                          
  •  ___             ___                                                              
  • ___               ___                                                             
  •                                 KADE PURSUING NADIA
  •    ▓                              THE MIGHTY KADE ORACLE PREDICTS: humidity   
  •   ▓▓▓                          /             : 63 soon after, the victim has  
  •  ▓▓▓▓▓                            difficulty breating and experiences nausea  
  •    \ /  GRRR                     and drooling                                
  •  ______/                                                                     
  •       ▓▓▓                                                                     
  •      ▓▓▓▓▓          HELP                                                      
  •    NA ▓▓▓     / \  /                                                          
  •    DI        _@_ __                                                           
  •    A                                                                          
  •                K                                                              
  •    |           DE                                                             
  •  | | |                                                                        
  •  |   |                                                                        
  •    |                                                                          
  •  | | |                                                                        
  •  |   |                                                                        
  •                                 NADIA BEATING UP KADE
  • THE MIGHTY KADE ORACLE PREDICTS: during the                                       
  • cocodrile when not at their food delivery,    \                                   
  • telemarkeطing, or cons2ction job, can be                                          
  • located at their local gym tanning or lifting                                   
  • weights maybe some thoughts                         _____                        
  •                                                       KA                          
  •                                                        E                          
  •                                 ASCII KADE
  •         o                             THE MIGHTY KADE ORACLE PREDICTS: blood clot
  •        RIP                         /  village idiots to that in scots            
  •       o   o                                                                      
  •      o \_/                                                                       
  •      ______                                                                      
  •     2______                                                                      
  •     P                                                                            
  •   o A o  ▁                                                                       
  •     C \▁▁/    _____.                                                             
  •     o  G-   ~(_]---' · · ·                                                       
  •        KA  /_(U                                                                  
  •        DE                                                                        
  • $100T L                                                                       
  • $100  H  I                                                                       
  • $100  U  F                                                                       
  • $100  G E▁                                                                      
  • $100  G G ▏                                                                     
  •                                 GANGSTA KADE
  •                             “#ARAB AND THE 51 KADES”
  •                              arab          #MiRCART