ride the snake \_____/ \______/ \_/ \_______/ \_/ /\ / / until the end of time / \| ######### one | just ############### more ^ f \ remember ############ drag o / ########## (o r / ########## (o e one more drag ########## _ v ###### @;; | focus e #### ;;;;;;;;;;;;; r you got it # ;;;;; -;`,;`-`;||@# ;;;;;;;;;;; it'll all ;;;;;;; go away \ \________ focus \____________/ \____________/ \____________/ \_________/ | | | | | | | | / \ / \ |~~~~~~~~~| when reality exists as a former self in ecoplasm MMMMMMMMMMMMM form, exits the the known reality bulb that retains our infinite everything we must embarce the o insane strange o reptilian brane > eat my shorts _____ h ( /\ l e (( \/ i r a e e r s e / b p r t /\ /|\ a i O n l e e stage 2 of ascii..... do you believe the afterlife is eternal? what are you looking for? if death is an escape, then why are you waiting? L I F E I S T O O P E R F E C T F O R W O R D S hate (_______Y HATE hate front lobe big hate| (______))____ knows best hate _____) __) "turn on" __________ hate hate hate "tune in" all glory emotion \__________ hate "drop out!" to the love hurt pain \_____ / amygdala (__________Y_____))) woner / desire | free will ((___^__________) why reason wit HATE fear "picture of a great idea" acidvegas/#mircart