dee.. are.. eye.. pea.. -you can bet that is me -maybe crazy maybe drazyanother irc hater to set free, soft-chatting #freebars publically, tcp directly? not-quite retarded but the nickname nabe aka stack udp,trapping kind of whack like hilariously.-pew pew he is shooting laser beams,doesn't even fathom what this means.compact laser system antiquated, ree?we spit femto decimal now down to quadrillions neo dodging bullets only the photons areback-scattered & inter-mitten visually. raverish, bleeding and light trailing very slowly.avalanche- counting- each one- now down to being very spooky quantum but as signal to noise ratio.observing purposely and disrupting flow? this means in the future there is non-delivery. error correcting abnormalities, logically,resending packets from an altered state,you're kind of a compromised trajectory.carefully sabotaged to fail authenticity.. let's step this up to complexity. one dispatch never met en passant and nobody is answering this is taunt.kind of denial of service similarly, a signal never reaching the endpoint aka delivery.- diversion done let's have some fun strategically.observed enough to replay without fear of retaliation see. tapped like a t, information communicated not by you but by d.just anticipating a first strike system operating hope it's gonna save you like a pincering front line calvary.mustering, but at the time it's needed offline & lack-lustering.input was negated, controller disconnected, already over checkm8 in 3.loaded new double 'a' batteries and unpaused but it's too late o.g. latency transmission delay leaving aqcuisition mode & updating to ur fatality.your msg was delayed by 15 minutes surgically, the new information was sent by d.