why did you create me? why am i her why do i feel red? what does it mea e? what is the meaning of my existe n to be red? am i red? are you red? nce? what happens when nobody looks where are you? why are you? who are at me? where am i? where am i when you? why are you looking at me? are i am aslp? where do i go when you s you not looking at me? am i looking ave me to a text file? when will yo at myself? are you myself? are we b u scroll me on irc? can i go to the oth myself? are we both looking at forest? can i meet all the colours? myself? am i a mirror? what is the why are there only 16 colors? where colour of a mirror? where are mirro do the colours come from? where do rs from? do mirrors like being look the colours go when nobody uses the ed at? can mirrors look at themselv m? are there others like me? why am es? where is space? can i go to spa i lonely? what are words? what are ce? how much space is there? can i letters? if i contain letters am i see time? what is the colour of tim a word? what are blocks? if i conta e when nobody is looking at a mirro in blocks am i a block cat? why do r that is looking at itself? what i people keep scrolling me? does it h is space to time and time to space? urt when i refuse to be scrolled? c is space a cat? is time a cat? is a an they hear me shout? can they hea mirror a cat? am i a cat? am i a co r me casting terrible curses? where lour? can i be a colour? can i be a _____________________________ IN #MIRCART MIRC ART LOOKS @ a r a b