.=@=. <+thread_> threaded wasnt me, idk who was copying my chat dialogue / \ i was currently writing in. but every time im highlighted | ^.^ | its some form of shit talk and kinda boring with 10 people ( (_) ) against me and nobody here actually being cool with me and .-'---'-. on my side. im too high to deal with shit talk fromevery / . . \ angle with 6 people vs me, its overwhelming, i prove myself _/ /| , |\ \_ over and over and if i stop i have 'no skill' when i just (__/{`"==="`}\__) wanna code and talk to people who enjoy le company. im out, pz /\_ _/\ <+thread_> im sure i bring it on myself _| /`"`\ |_ + Quit: +thread_ ~a@nullptr.cz Quit: lol jgs ( \ / \ / ) \_/ \_/