Goodbye, this is gonna be sent to everyone because I thought I found someone who actually cared about be. I guess nothing lasts just like the friends that used to love me. Well I guess I was right when I said it all falls in place in the end. So now its my time to finish off. I know I'm not the best person to be around but I'm tired of being attacked constantly. Maybe one day we can met again but we probably wont because soon you'll forget about me and I'll be nothing but a memory of a once happy person. Well this is good bye I guessy Well everyone, theres a time in everyones life when you gotta do what you gotta do. For me, that time is now. I'll be leaving discord and going back to skype if im needed which im not. anyways this isnt just another suicide note, its a leaving message. hope you guys have a better time on discord without me in it to fuck up your lives. if im needed you know where to find me. good bye y'all