56,12Every day I wake up and some jolly rancher lovin kid shoots my monitor through my window w 56,12ith his uncles stolen Stevens model 887 22 caliber rifle and you know what else is fucked 56,12up about this society I went to by neighbors homeand he cooked me rico pollito con sus fri 56,12jolitos refritos y rajas con crema and I88,12ø01,01████████████56,12took one bite and whispered in this n 56,12igga ear uma delicia and he kicked me56,01 out01,01█88,08▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓01,01████56,12his home like how hard is it to ac 56,12quire pussy in this world bro women88,12ø01,01██88,08▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓01,01█88,08▓▓01,01███56,12will ask for a shoulder to lean 56,12on and a male friend to talk to bu56,01t01,01██88,08▓▓88,00░░░░░░░░░░░░░88,08▓▓▓▓▓01,01██56,12as soon as I come home from wor 56,12k and hitup my e-thot on discord88,12ø01,01██88,08▓▓88,00░░░88,88░░░░░░░░░░░88,00░░░░░░88,08▓01,01███56,12for some pussy I get ghosted 56,12yo I fucking hate this generatio56,01n01,01█88,08▓▓88,00░░88,88░░░░88,14░░░░░░░░88,88░░░░░░88,00░88,08▓▓01,01██56,12and I just joined this place 56,12called irc last week and was c01,01███88,08▓▓▓88,00░░88,88░░88,14░░░░62,54▓▓▓▓▓88,14░░░░░░88,88░88,00░░88,08▓▓01,01██56,12alled the N word as soon as 56,12I mentioned it was Martin Luth01,01█88,08▓▓▓88,00░░░░88,88░88,14░░62,54▓▓▓▓▓▓63,56█62,54▓▓▓▓▓▓88,14░88,88░░88,00░88,08▓▓01,01██56,12er king day so you know I li 56,12ke to fry chicken with my dad01,01██88,08▓▓▓88,00░88,88░░░░88,14░░62,54▓▓63,56█████████62,54▓▓88,14░░88,88░88,00░88,08▓▓01,01██56,12who just got out of prison a 56,12fter serving a 35 year senten01,01███88,08▓▓88,00░░88,88░░░88,14░62,54▓▓▓63,56██████62,54▓▓▓▓▓88,14░░88,88░88,00░88,08▓▓01,01██56,12ced for killing my brother b 56,12ut its all good because the foo56,01d88,08▓▓▓88,00░░88,88░░░62,54▓▓▓▓▓63,56█62,54▓▓▓▓88,14░░░░░88,88░░88,00░88,08▓▓01,01██56,12taste good which reminded me 56,12of my 3rd deployement in iraq w01,01██88,08▓▓▓88,00░88,88░░88,14░░░░░62,54▓▓88,14░░░░░░░88,88░░░88,00░░88,08▓▓01,01██56,12ere we commited numerous rai 56,12ds on al-quaeda and his goatsme56,01n01,01██88,08▓▓88,00░88,88░░░░88,14░░88,88░░░░░░░░░88,00░░░░░88,08▓▓01,01██56,12I got network of assassins in 56,12my flipphone and I run 3 traphou01,01██88,08▓▓88,00░░░░88,88░░░░88,00░░░░░░░░░88,08▓▓▓▓▓01,01██56,12ses in north dakota that produ 56,12ces my annual salary of more mone56,01y01,01█88,08▓▓▓▓▓88,00░░░░░88,08▓▓▓93,08zincc88,08▓▓▓▓01,01███56,12than you so dont talk shit abo 56,12ut my hair cut you zoosexual you p01,01██88,08▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓01,01███56,12pushed me to the last straw you 56,12craven dewberry im talking singular01,01██████88,08▓▓▓▓▓01,01██████████56,12ity stupid blazing hot mid-day sun 56,12on mercury stupid did you really think56,01 you01,01█████56,12could hop in my chat and expect me not to v 56,12ent my passions to you coxcombs I come from the planet of the apes where my ancestors swin 56,12ged on vines nuts free while you play with qwerty and your cock beating to the foolish fem 56,12ale vessels that plagues our masculinity so keep trolling baboon you dont deserve to engag 56,12e in gorilla warfare Im changing my netflix password broke nigga keep wage slaving while I 56,12m in Italy outsourcing your phillipino indonesio mama to create my e commerce website for 56,121/16th of what im paid while I sip liquid death and obtain a back rub by three different m 56,12en and women to have the full sensation of both sexes keep forgetting to take your daily c 56,12alcium I hope your bones become fragile until you snap like the separation of chinese chop 56,12sticks as you eat in a humid buffet with local americans with an average weight of 350lbs.