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rofimpd (2298B) - raw


launcher() {
  rofi -mesg "$current" -i -dmenu -p "$1"

# sed for pango markup
current=$(mpc current | sed 's/&/\&amp;/g; s/</\&lt;/g; s/>/\&gt;/g; s/"/\&quot;/g; s/'"'"'/\&#39;/g')
if [[ -z "$current" ]]; then
  current="mpd isn't playing anything right now"
  current="current track: ${current}"

# modes
modes="current playlist\nplaylists\nshuffle\ntracks\nalbums\nartists\ngenres"
mode=$(echo -e "$modes" | launcher "mpd: ")

# tracks in current playlist
if [[ "$mode" == "current playlist" ]]; then
  playlist=$(mpc playlist)
  while read -r line; do
    track=$((track + 1))
    tlist="$tlist[$track] $line\n"
  done <<< "$playlist"
  track=$(echo -e "$tlist" | launcher "playlist: ")
  track=$(expr "$track" : "\[\([^]]*\)\]")
  mpc play "$track"

# list of playlists
elif [[ "$mode" == "playlists" ]]; then
  playlist=$(mpc lsplaylists | launcher "choose a playlist" )
  [ ! ${playlist} ] && exit
  mpc clear
  mpc load "$playlist"
  mpc play

# shuffle mode
elif [[ "$mode" == "shuffle" ]]; then
  mpc clear
  mpc listall | shuf -n 1000 | mpc add
  mpc play

# list of tracks
elif [[ "$mode" == "tracks" ]]; then
  track=$(mpc list title | sort -f | launcher "choose a track: " )
  [ ! ${track} ] && exit
  mpc clear
  mpc search "(title==\"${track}\")" | mpc add
  mpc play

# list of albums
elif [[ "$mode" == "albums" ]]; then
  album="$(mpc list album | sort -f | launcher "choose an album: ")"
  [ ! ${album} ] && exit
  mpc clear
  mpc find album "${album}" | mpc add
  mpc play

# list of artists
elif [[ "$mode" == "artists" ]]; then

  # list artists
  artist="$(mpc list artist | sort -f | launcher "choose an artist: ")"
  [ ! ${artist} ] && exit

  # list albums from chosen artist
  album="$(mpc list album artist "${artist}" | launcher "choose album: ")"
  [ ! ${album} ] && exit

  mpc clear
  mpc find artist "$artist" album "$album" | mpc add
  mpc play

# list of genres
elif [[ "$mode" == "genres" ]]; then

  # list genres
  genre="$(mpc list genre | sort -f | launcher "choose a genre: ")"
  [ ! ${genre} ] && exit

  # list albums from chosen genre
  album="$(mpc list album genre "${genre}" | launcher "choose album: ")"
  [ ! ${album} ] && exit

  mpc clear
  mpc find genre "$genre" album "$album" | mpc add
  mpc play